1. Front Double Biceps: Standing face front to the judges, with one leg slightly moved forward and to the side, the competitor will raise both arms to shoulder level and bend them at the elbows. The hands should be clenched and turned down so as to cause a contraction of the biceps and forearm muscles, which are the main muscle groups that are to be assessed in this pose. In addition, the competitor should attempt to contract as 15 many other muscles as possible as the judges will be surveying the whole physique, from head to toe. The judge will first survey the biceps muscles looking for a full, peaked development of the muscle, noting whether or not there is a defined split between the anterior and posterior sections of the biceps, and will continue the head-to-toe survey by observing the development of the forearms, deltoids, pectorals, pec-delt tie-ins, abdominals, thighs, and calves. The judge will also look for muscle density, definition, and overall balance.
2. Side Chest: The competitor may choose either side for this pose, in order to display the “better” arm. He will stand with his left or right side towards the judges and will bend the arm nearest the judges to a right-angle position, with the fist clenched and, with the other hand, will grasp the wrist. The leg nearest the judges will be bent at the knee and will rest on the toes. The competitor will then expand the chest and by upward pressure of the front bent arm and contract the biceps as much as possible. He will also contract the thigh muscles, in particular, the biceps femoris group, and by downward pressure on his toes, will display the contracted calf muscles. The judge will pay particular attention to the pectoral muscles and the arch of the rib cage, the biceps, the leg biceps and the calves, and will conclude with the head-to foot examination. In this pose the judge will be able to survey the thigh and calf muscles in profile, which will help in grading their comparative development more accurately. 4. Back Double Biceps (see Figure)
Back Double Biceps: Standing with his back to the judges, the competitor will bend the arms and wrists as in the Front Double Biceps pose, and will place one foot back, resting on the toes. He will then contract the arm muscles as well as the muscles of the shoulders, upper and lower back, thigh and calf muscles. The judge will first survey the arm muscles and then do the head-to-foot survey, during which there are more muscle groups to look at than in all of the other poses. This includes the neck, deltoids, biceps, triceps, forearm, trapezius, teres, infraspinatus, erector spinae, external obliques, latissimus dorsi, gluteus, thigh biceps, and calves. This pose, probably more than the others, will help the judge to determine the quality of the competitor’s muscle density, definition, and overall balance.
4. Side Triceps: The competitor may choose either side for this pose so as to show the “better” arm. He will stand with his left or right side towards the judges and will place both arms behind his back, either linking his fingers or grasping the front arm by the wrist with his rear hand. The leg nearest the judges will be bent at the knee and the foot will rest flat on the floor. The leg farthest the judges moved back and the foot resting on the toes. The competitor will exert pressure against his front arm, thereby causing the triceps muscle to contract. He will also raise the chest and contract the abdominal muscles as well as the thigh and calf muscles. The judge will first survey the triceps muscles, and conclude with the head-to-foot examination. In this pose, the judge will be able to survey the thigh and calf muscles in profile, which will help in grading their comparative development more accurately.
5. Vaccum Pose Abdominals and Thighs: This is a mandatory pose in two times. Standing face front to the judges, the competitor will place both arms behind the head and will place the feet together. Then he will pose at the first voice
("Front postition, Vacuum Pose") this way: in the abdominal area the athlete must to do the vacuum pose at the same time flexing the transverse inner muscle, flexing legs, torso and arms also. Then for the second voice ("Abdominal and Thighs"); He will then contract the abdominal muscles by “crunching” the trunk slightly forward and showing a leg forward. At the same time, he will contract the thigh muscles of the leg(s). The judge will survey the abdominal and thigh muscles, and then conclude with the head-to-foot examination.
6. Classic pose at athlete choice.